Search Database

When a reader selects "Search Database," the four options "User Explanation," "Simple Search," "Advanced Search," and "Browse Data" will appear. If the user selects "Simple Search" or "Advanced Search," then they will enter the database and may retrieve information.

1.1 簡易查詢介面
Simple Search Interface

The simple search interface provides five kinds of query contents: rubbing registration number, word interpretation, book list, Heji serial number, and subject. The user may input any single character, or a single phrase, or an entire sentence. If there are difficult characters, selecting "Missing Character Search" will paste the character forms obtained by the search into the search field.

1. 缺字查詢
Missing Character Search

If the user comes across difficult characters with no way to input, they may paste the rare characters' forms into this search field.

2. 檢索詞彙
Retrieving Vocabulary, Words, and Phrases

Searchable items include kai shu (regular script), character interpretation, rubbing record and serial number, and so on. Regarding the retrieval of the entire text of kai shu and character interpretation entries, the user may enter any single character, or a single phrase, or an entire sentence (this function is still being set up for character interpretation information). They may also search the rubbing images by their related records and serial numbers. For example, if the user enters "Part 2 (乙編)" then that will search all the information related to Part 2.

3. 主題

Regarding the classification of the content of oracle bone inscriptions, the accustomed usage is a pick-and-choose style method of selection, conforming to the classification framework of Jiaguwen heji, which encompasses the following items: 1. slaves and commoners; 2. slave owning aristocrats; 3. functionaries; 4. army troops, punishments, and prison; 5. war; 6. the Fang regions; 7. received tribute; 8. agriculture; 9. fishing, hunting, and the rearing of livestock; 10. handicraft; 11. commerce and communication; 12. astronomy and calendar science; 13. meteorology; 14. construction; 15. illness; 16. childbirth; 17. the worship of ghosts and spirits; 18. sacrificial offerings; 19. auspicious and ominous dreams; 20. divination; 21. inscriptions; 22. other.

4. 每頁顯示
Display on Each Page

The user may choose to display either ten or twenty entries of information at a time.

1.2 進階查詢介面
Advanced Search Interface

The advanced retrieval interface includes the following nine kinds of search methods; via intersecting query, the reader can precisely search for the information they need:

Rubbing Source/Plate Serial Number

The user may search for a rubbing's source by selecting it in a pull-down menu, for instance, Hsiao-T'un. Volume II, Inscriptions. Part 2(《小屯.第二本.殷虛文字.乙編》). This will search all of the rubbings from that particular book. If the user is able to additionally specify the book's plate serial number, they may perform an even more precise search.

2. 合集編號
Heji Serial Number

The user may indicate the corresponding rubbing serial number from Jiaguwen heji: for instance, the corresponding Heji serial number for Part 3(《丙編》) rubbing plate 16 is 000376. They may also search with the corresponding rubbing serial number from Jiaguwen heji bubian, for instance: the related supplemental serial number for Part 1(《甲編》) rubbing plate 1 is 001362. When searching, please key in a six-digit Heji serial number. (When searching by supplemental serial number, please add a capital 'B' in front of the six-digit number, for example: B001362.)

3. 主題

"Subject" is a pull-down menu, convenient for beginning students and the general public to use.

4. 釋文(建置中)
Interpretation of Characters (in development)

For the retrieval of fixed model and character interpretation entries, the reader can input any single character, or a single phrase, and suchlike strings of characters, and may also input entire sentences.

5. 分期
Inscription Period

The user may select the time period they wish to search from a pull-down menu, for instance, "Late Shang, Period 1." The several periods are according to the fivefold periodization in Jiaguwen heji.

6. 題記
Descriptive Notes

With "Descriptive Notes" the user can retrieve the descriptive notes' contents or their author, the book's preface, and so on.

7. 印記
Seal Imprint

With "Seal Imprint" the user can input the imprint serial number, seal impression, and seal owner to do a search.

8. 題名

The main title of a rubbing, and other titles, for instance, oracle bone rubbings.

9. 每頁顯示
Display on Each Page

The user may choose to display either ten or twenty entries of information at a time.

Information Lists

After retrieving information, clicking the "OK" button will render an information list. If the amount of information is exceedingly great, the user can do a further search in "perform another search with reduced range."

"Image Data"

The reader, when browsing a page of thumbnail images, may click the rubbing image to execute the DJVU software compiler, with which images can be compared with image information. Clicking "Enlarge Image" will directly proceed to the DJVU software, for instance, in the "image data" of Part 2 (《乙編》)plate number 1, the related fields record that its categorization is "rubbing," and its scope is "oracle bone front face."


4. 詳細資料
Detailed Information

The Oracle Bone Rubbing Database not only provides image browsing, but moreover records related information, and furnishes the function of image and text comparison. Each item of related data – such as "rubbing information," "object information," "image comparison," and "character interpretation data" – may be compared.

Rubbing Information

我們以題名為「甲骨刻辭」的《乙編》圖版號1號為例,其甲骨年代是商後期,以董作賓的五期分類為第一期:時王武丁的甲骨文。該張原拓尺寸4.41×3.21公分、相對於《甲骨文合集》的編號為21387 ,此張拓片屬於中研院史語所版權所有,為所內技術人員手拓,故無舊藏線索,若拓片本中附有題記、印記,則我們會在這套書的第一張拓片註明的「拓片資料」中說明其位置、內容與作者。「甲骨分期」欄位原屬於實物資料,然而,因其重要性而併入「拓片資料」。
Taking the entry named "oracle bone inscriptions" Part 2(《乙編》) plate number 1 as our example, the era of the oracle bone is late Shang; using the fivefold periodization of Dong Zuobin, it belongs to the first period: the inscription is contemporary with king Wu Ding. The original rubbing sheet measures 4.41x3.21 cm, and its corresponding serial number in Jiaguwen heji is 21387. This rubbing belongs to those copyrighted by the Institute of History and Philology of Academia Sinica. It was hand-rubbed by the Institute's skilled staff, and there exists no other, earlier rubbing.

If within a book of rubbings were included descriptive notes and seal impressions, then in the "rubbing information" of this book's first rubbing annotation we would explain its position, contents, and author. The field of "oracle bone periodization" originally belongs to actual object information, and thus, owing to its importance, it is combined into "rubbing information."

Object Information

以連結的方式展示考古資訊之相關欄位。例如《乙編》圖版1號相對的甲骨典藏號為R026001 ,該甲骨的尺寸長14.1寬13.6公分,為史語所1936/06/02∼1936/10/02期間於河南省安陽縣小屯考古發掘所得。保存現況有一項「殘片」,並說明甲骨典藏之機構為歷史語言研究所考古學門庫房,若使用者想要瞭解更多的考古資訊,可點選典藏號即展開「考古資料數位典藏資料庫」之網頁。
This related field exists in order to link to and reveal archaeological data. For instance, for Part 2 (《乙編》)plate number 1, the archive number of the related oracle bone is R026001. This bone measures 14.1 cm long by 13.6 cm wide, and was among those the Institute of History and Philology archaeologically excavated from Xiaotun in Anyang County, Henan Province, between June 2nd and October 2nd, 1936.

In its current situation of preservation there is a tag which moreover explains that the organization responsible for the oracle bone archive is the archaeology department storeroom of the Institute of History and Philology. If the user wants to find out even more archaeological data, they may click the archive number, which will open the ''Digital Archives of Archaeological Data'' page.